Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My responce to B

Hello Barbara.

I have read your mail and the post you have suggested.  
Thank you for your response and understanding.

I according to Jesus I need to be more in Public and not to have any secrets.
I need to reveal what I hear even if it does not fit with common understandings (common sense) or Religious doctrines or even “Raj”.

Each time I listen to God, I need to start a new and lose all of my own thought and worry, and not be afraid even if what I hear is contrary to what I heard from someone else who is a brilliant teacher.  And once I hear the truce, I should not be afraid to say it, regardless of how other people may react to it.

Barbara, God needs you to speak up his words.  Even if it did not feel like a friendship.
Even if someone else might hear you and say “That does not sound like love”.
You will need to say what God had revealed to you.
When God speak the truth to you, you need to say it.

This is what I hear.
“It is wrong to worry about your money.  And it is wrong to have others worry about your money.

When you ask for help you cannot keep any secrets about what you need. You have to say what you need and why you need it.  Otherwise your request for help will be ineffective. 

God does not keep secrets from you.  God always reveals the Truth to you.”

 I will upload your e-mail on my web, since you were having problem posting it as a comment.

Hiromi Okaue

Letter from B

“B does not necessarily agree with the guidance I have received about Mr. Paul Tuttle, but she has agreed to have conversation about this subject on this WEB.   Hiromi Okaue”

Hello Hiro

I am late, but here I am.  Sometimes other things come to front and then others get put on the back burner.
Thank you for having the faith to take our conversation to public.

I have brought with me a link to a subject on finances about the Foundation.


which, as you may notice -and I am talking to Barbara as well- come up in public through another individual who has also been Asking for Answers about some of things which you, both you and Barbara, have been needing clarity on.

Hi Hiro,  I thought that when I was saying the first hello it was 'me',  but I see that is not case.  Nonetheless,  this me doesn't feel too different.
Love and Blessings,


The above was written to your blog but I was unable to submit it since it requires that I chose a profile for submitting and I did not know which one to choose.